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There are many types of lizards that range in size from very small geckos to large komodo dragons. For this article, we will focus on the types of lizards that are commonly kept as pets. Lizard food varies depending on the species, so knowing the dietary requirements for your lizard is a vital first step when trying to provide proper nutrition for your pet.

Philippine water monitor
Philippine Water Monitor (Varanus cumingi)

Pet lizards typically have very different diets than their wild counterparts. Most of the commonly kept pet lizards are insectivores and will thrive on insects, but fruits, plants, and small animals are also great options for some lizards. For example, a good diet for a bearded dragon might include leafy greens as well as crickets, and even frozen mice. However, if you have a pet gecko, you may want to consider feeding them live insects such as flightless fruitflies and sweet fruits. Iguanas are different still, and they require a variety of vegetables, greens, and fruits to meet their nutritional needs.

Nile Monitor
Nile Water Monitor (Varanus niloticus)

Lizards that will eat frozen feeders include blue-tongue and other omnivorous skinks, bearded dragons, water dragons, many types of geckos, monitors, sailfin lizards, basilisks, and teiids. Large amphibians, such as ornate horned frogs and bullfrogs, will also take frozen mice or frozen rats.

Blue Spotted Tree Monitor
Blue Spotted Tree Monitor (Varanus macraei)

Rodentpro carries a complete line of quality foods to meet your lizard's dietary requirements including frozen foods, live foods, other foods and supplies. Contact us today if you have questions about any of our products.

To learn more about the feeding habits of common reptilian pets, read about Feeding Frozen/Thawed Prey Items to Snakes in Captivity and What do Geckos Eat.